Amazing day riding through here. Having looked on Google Earth with Alex in Luang Prabang. Set out to see if there is a way to get through to the Nam Khan at the end of the trail.
On Google Earth the two ends only have a 2 or 3 kilometre missing link to join up. I had failed the previous ride from the south to link up. Today will try from the North.
First it is a steep of rocky climb off the main road through a village then up the mountain. Then you are riding along the top of the mountain or very near the top.

Some friendly locals along the way. Happy to have a photo taken

Stunning views from here on in.

Bumped in to this local coming out of a very small track. It looked like access to farm land. Not some where to take the 701 with out a look first.
He was surprised to see me in here. I was surprised to hear him speak great English. We chatted a bit. Told him about my plan to see if I can get through to the Nam Khan.. He replied it is not possible.
Then informed me of two Khmu villages further along the trails.. One to the left and one to the right.. So village exploring it will be for today.
It has been so long since he spoke English. He can’t remember the last time.
Fantastic meeting someone like this and you can both communicate properly.

The way to the village on the left..

The village directly ahead.

The school is located at the end of the village.

A house with a view.

Local kids come to see who the stranger is in town.

A ride back through the village. Stopping and taking photos along the way.
Super friendly people. Loved to see their photos.
Next thing I know. They are taking me all over the village to take peoples photos and having a good laugh.

Granny is actually giving the thumbs up.

Cutting up the local tobacco.

Back wondering around town.

Drying chilies in the sun

As I was being taken around the village.. I had a bunch of followers.

Proudly building a new house. Seems like the entire village gets involved.

A farewell photo with some of the kids. The rest were too shy.

The scenery and trails through here are just stunning..
Trail heaven.
On my way to the second village my new friend told me about,

A happy family posing for a picture. More of this village in the video.

Time to head back out and on to the end of the main track. Today’s’ ride objective.

The third and final village at the end of the trail.
Another local that spoke English. I was able to ask about the Nam Khan and if it is possible to get through.
Unfortunately not. The trail leads to a creek which then becomes jungle and mountain and not passable.

This old lady was so nice. At the end. When I waved.. Nothing. When I said Bye Bye.. She repeated bye bye and gave a smile.

The other English speaker of the day in the middle of the picture.

Time to head back to the main road.
What a beauty of a trail. twisty, turns, ups and downs along with ruts and rocks to keep you awake.

Below is the route from the main road. Far right the first village. Below right the second village. Third left, end of the trail the last village.

YouTube Video
Luang Prabang Mountan Trials – Remote Khmu Villages.
Really enjoyed this day.
I like riding with friends. But a ride like today was best alone.. Stop and start when you like. Talk to the locals and enjoy just being here.
Next time in Luang Prabang. Will come back here and take the photos for each of the villages to keep.