Luang Prabang Day Ride : Nam Khan Missing Link – Part 1

Trying from the south to see if I can get through to the north following the Nam Khan and over the mountains.

All I can say is.. What a rough steep rocky road.

At this point. I almost turned back. It just was not fun.

Then looked at the GPS. OK. I am here, not that far to go.. Push on.

Then the rough road ended and it was a nice smooth trail all the way. Thank God. I really had enough of rocks and dust.

Land slides have taken out the power poles.

Improvisation is the name of the game.

At the end of the trail is a Hmong Village. You pass a couple of smaller Hmong villages before this one..

This village looks pretty well off. Compared to the others I passed along the way.

The end of the trail. Well. Close enough to it for me. From here on the GPS it went for another 300 metres.. Steep rutted and pretty nasty up the mountain and through the teak trees. As I am on my own. This is far enough.

YouTube Video

Heading back out.. More dam construction going on.

The Chinese High Speed rail in progress.

On the way in. There was no one about. I could have ridden in the tunnel. But now they are all working. So stayed back for this picture.

Hydro, Hydro, Hydro.

Glad I pushed on in the end and didn’t turn back. Would have been kicking myself later otherwise.

Might have a little bit of video in here.. If I do. Will add it later.

