Khao Pla Noi – Border Patrol Police Camp 136.
One of my favourite trails to ride in Thailand. Must have been up here 20 + times over the years.
Often talked about camping up here. Well. As I am turning 50. Why not do it and make a party on top of the mountain as the clock ticks over midnight to February 2nd.
Invited a few like minded friends to join that enjoy camping and prepared to carry some gear up the mountain.
At the bottom of the mountain is the first Border Patrol Police check point at 300 metres above sea level.
It is then a 12.8 km ride up the mountain track to the top where the Border Patrol Police camp is at 1040 metres above sea level.

Once up top you have 360 views over Thailand and Burma. Nearby and easily visible the Myanmar army camp on the hill top nearby.
We all meet up at Wasan’s bike repair shop. Get ready and gear up.
Taking lots of ice in the coolers.. Thank you Ice Man – Carsten. 5 Packs of ice. I had two frozen 1.25 litre bottles of water along with two 1.25 litres of Coke Zero for JD mixers. Frank had his JD. Wasan a bottle of 100 Pipers and Filip Gin and Carsten the world famous Sangsom.
YouTube Video
The Ride Up Khao Pla Noi
Husky 701 KTM 690 Honda and KLX
Getting ready.

And we are off.

Time to regroup as we had spread out with the dust.

The final creek just before the first Border Patrol Police check point at the base of Khao Pla Noi.

Stop. Say hello. Take in some water before starting the 12.8 KM ride up the mountain.

We are off and heading up the mountain.
The Giant Loop was just great. The 701 actually handles better with a bit of weight on the back.


Border Patrol Police Camp 136
Thailand – Myanmar Border.
Facebook tagged pictures up here as being in Burma.

Managed to bring up one Beer Lao Dark with out smashing the bottle along the way.

We didn’t waste any time getting in to the refreshments.

Being shown a picture from a previous visit 4 years earlier with Mike Hohman. (Still a KLX rider and a Husky not even a blink of an eye back then) The Police invited us for a coffee on that trip. Still remember us 🙂

The picture below is the one being shown from our ride up in April 2016. Being asked how we like our coffee.

The Burmese Army on top of the mountain in the back ground.

Time to setup camp.

Carsten had the biggest mattress I have ever seen on a camping trip.

After spending 30 minutes blowing up the mattress..
Time to get it in the tent :-)))

YouTube Video
The Giant Mattress of Khao Pla Noi
The sun is getting lower in the afternoon.

We moved to sit just behind the solar panels and watch the sunset over Myanmar.

Time to enjoy sunset.

We were so lucky.
Later in the evening the haze from burning off cleared and the stars came out.
Pretty spectacular.

The bright streak to the top left is a plane.

Burmese Army Camp on the hill top straight ahead.
It was getting cold.. Freezing our tits off.
Guess around 4 or 5 am it was down to about 15 or 16 c.

Believe we had the most ice ever seen up at Khao Pla Noi.

Good Morning.

Big thanks to Wasan for running around taking all the pictures with my Olympus Tough Camera. Also a few beauties on my Canon. You can be camera man next ride and I will do the editing.
What a great way to see in 50 years old. Just what I had hoped it would be like. Thanks to those that joined. Super fun weekend.
Now the hungover ride down the Mountain and back to Bangkok for Birthday party number 2 at Helter Skelter.
Bloody ripper mate.
Great way to celebrate the big FIVE-0