Night Rider OSM Map
Thailand / Cambodia / Laos / Vietnam / Malaysia / Singapore.
” This Garmin map was made with data from © OpenStreetMap contributors and covers the area shown in the image to the left. This is a map for motorcyclists and therefore roads that should not be used by motorcyclists are shown as grey un-routable roads. These roads are typically toll roads and overpasses over major intersections and primarily located in Bangkok. This map uses the English name tags by default, if an English name is not present the local name is converted to Latin characters. If you see a name that appears a bit garbled it is probably because it is the result of an automated conversion. OSM is free and not copyrighted with worldwide coverage. It is made and updated by it’s users. Please use and distribute this map. If more people use OSM, more people will also in the end contribute to it. A simple way to help is to upload your track logs to OSM. If you want to help go to OpenStreetMap and sign up for a user. The OSM data, which is in a generic XML format, was converted into a Garmin map with the free mkgmap software. You can also download free worldwide Garmin maps from Lambertus.
Mapping bikers: OSM provides tagging to differentiate between the many scooter shops and shops that deal with offroad-, dualsport- and sportbikes. See motorcycle:type for info. There is also tagging for motorcycle friendly accommdation. See motorcycle_friendly for info. Use of these tags would be of value for the riders in SE Asia.”
There are two links below on the site for newer and older Garmin GPS units.
Another Site you can make your own map from is below:-
Not limited to a few countries.. Create a map for which ever country you plan to visit.
Openstreet Maps Website
The same data is on the OSM Site.. Though it does look different in Web page format.
The format displayed on your GPS device will be the same as you are use to with other commercial GPS Maps.