A long weekend and time to give the 701 another run.
First a stop at Prasat Mueang Sing Historical Park.
Then continue on to Saiyok Yai. Park the pickup at a friends place and load up the 701 and head to the border with Burma.
A good run up here following the 323 before heading up the 3272.

Nern Chueng Suek view point Lat 14.67245 Lon 98.36839 (Google Maps spelling – Noen Chang Suek).
One of my top 5 favourite places to visit in Thailand. Must have been up here 6 or 7 times over the years. This time on the 701 and what a blast up to Pilok on route 3272.
This road has been in a constant state of repair and reconstruction for as long as I can remember.
It starts off really nice. Then 3 minutes in to the video, you hit the rough stuff. Some pretty good sized potholes and ruts.
The video doesn’t show how steep the road is or how tight the bends are. Then you have to get past the other traffic heading up the mountain.
A few pictures from the ride up. Accidentally pressed the photo mode on the camera.

YouTube Video
Pilok Kanchanaburi : Route 3272
Watch the corners. Vehicles cut the corners, there is not much room to move over. A long way down to the bottom of the mountain if it goes wrong.
Watch out for cars that dart to the right or left avoiding potholes and not looking for or expecting a vehicle to be passing.
GPS Track overlay – Route 3272 with elevation and twisties.

First need to get some supplies from the border.

10 cans of Myanmar beer on ice should do for the evening.
Really hope the tent keeps the water out.
When buying the Beer. The Burmese fella said it had been chucking it down at night..

The cloud started to blow in really quickly.
Short Video

Good morning and fresh coffee.
No rain over night – Bonus.

Time for some sea of fog pictures.

Pano 360 at the Border Patrol Police
One last picture before leaving.

Down to the town for breakfast.

Next stop Sangkhlaburi. After a side visit to 3 Pagodas Pass.
So much cooler up in the mountains than down below. Sweating buckets at the PTT near the 323 turn off.
Plenty of other bikes on the road for the long weekend.

Some great twisty roads as you get closer to Sangkhlaburi. Getting past the buses can be a pain at times.
All going great. Get to 3 Pagodas Pass and non stop rain just after I pull up.
Take a look at the weather app. This is not going away any time soon. After 1 hour of coffee and waiting.. Ride back through the belting rain to Sangkhlaburi.
Arrive a P Guest House Soaked.
It rained until 9 PM.

View from my room.
The morning started cloudy but soon cleared up.
Made my way back to Sai Yok / Bangkok pretty early.
At the end of this post there is a more detailed report on Sangkhlaburi from a recent visit.
Good Morning snaps from P Guest House.

Heading back to Sai Yok and Bangkok.

Prasat Mueang Sing Historical Park
Links about Pilok
Somsak Mining is a must visit while up here.
Excellent write up