On the way
Explore a lttle
What a great spot to set up camp.
After a good nights sleep
Up early.
Frank has to head back and be in the office Monday.. So went for a ride with us to the Klitty Waterfall area.
Heading back before we managed to get too lost in the maze of trails.
A few fun snaps of the ride…
Here comes Rob….
Hat off to Rob.. Only been on the KLX a few times and never one to pass up a challenge..
Then to some real fun technical stuff we did last year with K. Nui and the Thai guys.
After spending a good part of the day doing these trails we head to Klitty Waterfall..
But as we get close.. Decide to head to another venue and see if we can get in / camp for the evening.
(We had camped at the waterfall before and wanted to try our luck)
Not expecting to get in and it is getting late.. 1 hr plus day light left.. We rock up and ask if we can get in and camp…
To our surprise…. Yes, no permit asked for.
What a great little spot to camp. Table, toilets and bathroom.
No camp fire.. but we have camping lights, gas stove and enough bush rations to feed a small army.
Not to mention a beer run 8km up the trail back in town and 1/2 litre of emergency JD..
After a cold cold night at 830 metres above sea level.. We are up at 6.30am.
I was really surprised how cold it was. The night before was quite warm and OK at 230 metres.
Rob was not feeling well and decided to head back.. Mike and I wanted to ride in to the park a bit.
After all.. You normally need a permit to get in here.
We decide to go to the first ranger station and then come back.. We head off at 7am
Boy was it muddy and slippery early on.. I started thinking of James and our ride slipping and sliding down the Boolaven Plateau.
It was no where near that bad.. But did make me cautious that we could actually ride back up some of the slippery clay parts.
The most difficult bit was at the beginning. All under the jungle canopy and the morning dew gave it a nice extra slippery touch.
Wild animal prints in the trail.
We made it to the first ranger station.
18 km to the next ranger station?
Some good fun getting back too..
This fella was walking along the trail.. Stopped said hello and photo.
Back at camp and two very dirty KLX’s
After a great ride down the slippery trail and a slightly less slippery ride back up as the sun was out.
It was time to head off to the national park K. Nui showed me the year before.
A lovely spot with a large tree that had fallen over the river during one of the rainy seasons gone past.
We rock up to the park entrance and it is closed off. There is a little way in for bikes and a sign that says no vehicles.
While looking from the road debating if we should barge in and take a look and hopefully not offend anyone..
We spot someone on a bike that had just ridden in.. So we ride in and he talks to us and says we can’t go in.
Mike has his helmet off and chatting away.. we are trying to explain we just want to go to the tree and take a pic.
He said no at first.. more laughter and joking and pleading and he says OK.
Just then some of his mates also pull in to the trail and he explains..
We have the green light to proceed.. Off we ride..
It is a great track in there and 5 or 6 km to the ranger station..
While we are zooming along thinking we will see these guys in 20 mins time after they catch up..
We CATCH UP to the first bunch.. How did they do that..
Then we arrive at the ranger station and the main man (Khun Chai) was already there…
Obviously they had another more direct route in LOL
I take of my helmet and explain to Mike… Pointing where we camped..
Then K. Chai yelled out and took two paces and gave me a hug.
He remembered me from last year with K. Nui and the guys..
It was pretty funny and I certainly didn’t expect that reaction after taking my helmet off..
A snap with K. Chai.
A couple of snaps of Mike and me on the tree over the river.
After a chat and sharing some muesli bars with the rangers we headed on and did a little exploring on the way to the camp site
A rather large storm was brewing and heading our way.
A little more riding up and down a couple of great enduro tracks we found on the first day and then back to the camp site.
The storm is nearly on top of us.. Load up the bikes and eat and leave just when it is bucketing down.
It was like this for a good hour and a half.. and yes.. One crazy driver over took me and others in conditions like this !!
You don’t want to be tearing around these bends or you may end up with a years supply of beef and goat to carry home.
Of course.. back in Bangkok and the last 7.5 km took forever.
Thanks to Mike and Frank for the additional pics to make the report more complete..
Will post a few images of the tracks we rode on Google Earth shortly
Tracks to be uploaded to OSM ready for next month.
What a great 3 days with a great bunch of guys with some of the best riding..
We had it all over these three days.
A couple of snaps of the tracks on Google Earth.
Plus a snap of where we were heading.
To be continued next dry season.
We shall return.