Android GPS Applications

Android GPS Apps.


OSM And+
The paid for version.. Couple hundred baht to support the servers / community.
Updated by people like you and me.. No waiting for a commercial map to come out and getting behind because you don’t want to spend the money year on year..
Commercial maps will have more hotels and other details.. But with a bit of planning on your trip.. You can sort this before hand..
The tracks and trails / roads are all there in most cases.. I have been using this in Bangkok / Thailand / Laos / Vietnam for years.

I use OSM on my Garmin GPS.. Also have it on my phone in case the Garmin breaks or is lost.. Good back up.
The app looks and feels exactly like the Garmin.

OSM Tracker
Oddvar put me on to this.. It is / was great.. But not sure what happened.
The tracks won’t be read in certain applications and had some other issues after a few updates of Android and other software.
Great when I didn’t have anything else..

Geo Tracker
This is my preferred beast for recording my rides now.. (Besides the GPS on the bike for Bigger rides )
Records moving time etc.. So far no issues with opening the tracks in other applications.

There are lots of other options too..

GPS Viewer

GPX Track Editor
As it suggests. Allows you to edit tracks on your phone.
Handy if someone sent you a track and you only want or need a certain portion of the track.
You don’t want all the extra detail or rats nest of back and forth.. This allows you to edit it.
Handy when on the road.

Google Earth
Great for an overview.. But beware, some of the maps can be 10 or more years out of date when zooming in close..

Google Maps
OK in towns.. Not so good when remote or in Laos etc..
Take you all over the place or fails to route.. or just out of date.

Feel Free to share any GPS Apps you have on you Android device here.

In summary.. The two I use most of all are:-
Geo Tracker
